After the once-in-a-decade Census count, comes the process of redistricting! It’s our once-in-a-decade process of accounting for state-level population changes in NC to draw new district maps from the federal level down to the local level. District maps should be drawn to provide equal representation, and should appropriately reflect the political makeup of our state.

If you are over 18, a citizen, and have not yet registered to vote, do so today!!

Vote in every election. All elections are important because they determine our future.

Talk to your community, family, friends, boss or neighbors about the importance of going out to vote.

Regardless of your immigration status, you have the power to mobilize voters to vote! Share this website and our resources to the people in your life that can vote so that more people know about the electoral process in the US and NC.

Sign up to receive information from Votemos NC, el Pueblo Inc, or any grassroots group that is part of this effort so that you too can be part of the ongoing work to ensure voters in NC are educated and empowered to make a change in their communities.